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MAGICMUK Balm 60 ml's x 2 units


Regular price $118.00 $101.00 Sale

I'm an all natural, concentrated moisturizing, rejuvenating and healing balm that can be directly applied to your skin and nails and hair.

Sensitive, red, dry, itchy, irritated, broken, inflamed and scaly skin problems or conditions are my faves!

MAGICMUK balm is applied to the area and is then left on to work it's magic...





very dry skin OR cracked skin



- minor cuts and abrasions 

minor burns

mosquito bites 

cuticle conditioner

But what am I, I hear you asking?

Well.... I'm a luxuriously smooth and creamy blended balm. I am made of organic waxes and oils with the powerful addition of essential oils. 

I am loaded with vitamins A, C, D, E & F and essential fatty acids omega 3, 6 & 9. I have incredibly high moisturizing, rejuvenating  and healing properties and I smell amazingly fresh and mildly earthy. 

I'm extremely concentrated as I contain no water, so a little bit of me goes a really long way! Less is more...

I'm super duper clever because I can seal in moisture with my emollient properties at the same time as healing, repairing and rejuvenating your skin and nails.